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Why "RAISElower"?
Where does the name RAISElower come from?
During the first three months of training in the Airforce we had 3 Physical training sessions per week.
These mainly consisted of a Physical Training Instructor (PTI) leading a class through several functional movements IE Pressups, Squats, Situps.....
The PTI would Call "RAISE" then Pause for a bit and then a command "Lower" would follow. In Response to these commands we would perform the movement as required.
These calls were repeated as necessary for there desired effect.
Through out my military Career and Fitness Training life I have found that most movements involve Raising and Lowering Weight repetitively
RAISElower is reminder of where I have come from and where I am going
At RAISElower we aim to Raise the quality of Sports Accessories and lower the hassle. With FAST Efficient shipping and high quality products.